Concept Class

Concept Class

Concept Class
The classification of a concept. This classification details how a concept will be represented (i.e. as a question or an answer). The current list of classes include:

  • Test – lab tests(e.g. CD4 Count) or physical exam maneuver (e.g. Babinski)

  • Procedure – spinal tap, lumbar puncture, etc.

  • Drug – medications, prescriptions and over the counter

  • Diagnosis – defined medical conclusion (usually in ICD), e.g. diabetes, AIDS

  • Finding – physical or exam findings (shortness of breath, systolic murmur, LLL infiltrate)

  • Anatomy – body part, e.g. right arm, frontal lobe, abdomen.Question - query to which there are either open-ended or coded responses

  • LabSet – a group of several test concepts, e.g. I-Stat Chem8+

  • MedSet – a group of several medications, e.g. cardiac medication

  • ConvSet – a group of concepts, typically questions, assembled for convenience, e.g. vitals signs

  • Misc – unclassifiable concepts, typically general descriptions of location or rankings, e.g. left, severe, positive

  • Symptom – any sign or indication of a possible conclusion, e.g. chills, increased heart rate

  • Symptom/Finding – any sign or indication, not specifically linked to one conclusion

  • Specimen – a sample of any larger part, e.g. tissue, blood sample

  • Misc Order – orders typically not utilized by the organization

  • Valueset - a group of concepts, mostly group of concepts that are part of another coded system

  • LabTest

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