

Shared Health is an endeavor to create a Health Information Exchange (HIE), in mode of OpenHIE, targeting low resource settings. It intends to make exchange of health information across systems possible.

A pilot project is underway towards establishing HIE in Bangladesh, supported by Director General of Health Services, MoHFW Bangladesh. Like OpenHIE, the setup will consist of multiple components, interacting and inter-operating with each other over standard and agreed protocols and contracts. We hope through this effort, Bangladesh will be able to provide accessible and quality healthcare at "Points of Care" facilities, and the centralized Shared Health will support in decision making and improvement of health services across the Nation.

Demo environments:

HIE Systems

  1. Terminology Server -  https://tr-showcase.twhosted.com/openmrs

  2. MCI Admin System - https://mciadmin-showcase.twhosted.com

  3. Patient Journal - https://pjournal-showcase.twhosted.com

  4. DataSense - https://datasense-showcase.twhosted.com

  5. MCI Service - https://mci-showcase.twhosted.com

  6. SHR Service - https://shr-showcase.twhosted.com

  • Handle terminology server with care; unless you know what you are doing, please don't mess around with data setups; downstream systems interpret and use the terminologies organized in a certain way!

  • MCI and SHR services are headless services. You need to authenticate with IdP first to be able to invoke any APIs on them (the same with any other services). Unless you are integrating/developing over them, you shouldn't have to use the services at all. Please contact us if you do need to.

Reference Client Systems

  1. Hospital 1 - https://h1-showcase.twhosted.com/ 

  2. Hospital 2 - https://h2-showcase.twhosted.com/ 

  3. Cloud hosted instance for multiple community clinics -  https://chw-showcase.twhosted.com/

Note, the above links are meant only for demo/showcase purpose. For production links and references, please contact DGHS, MoH, Bangladesh

While we encourage you play around with the systems, note that data might be erased on periodic upgrade. We try to keep the system as operational as possible, but do expect occasional hickups! Send us a mail if you find anything breaking or non-functional. Bug reporting is welcome, help us to make things better. 

CD environment:

Our QA and demo/showcase environments are integrated as part of our build pipelines. While pushes to demo environments happen less frequently (twice a week), note that systems might completely destroy their states, and hence data may be purged.  

Mailing Lists and communication:


  • Monthly showcases happen over GoToMeeting

    • The first ever public showcase happened on 14th August 2014, 12:30 pm UTC.

    • Showcase on 17th September 2014 at 12:30 pm UTC

    • Showcase on 17th October 2014, 12:30 pm UTC.

    • Showcase on 25th November 2014, 12:30 pm UTC. 

    • No showcase was done on December 2014.

    • Showcase on 16th January 2015, 12:30 pm UTC. 

    • Showcase on 26th feb 2015, 12:30 pm UTC. 

  • Meeting details

    • 1. Please join the meeting.


      2. Call in using your telephone.

      United States (toll-free): 1 888 640 7162
      India (toll-free): 000 800 852 1424
      South Africa (toll-free): 0 800 999 308
      United Kingdom (toll-free): 0 808 234 0410

      Access Code: 556-675-981
      Audio PIN: Shown after joining the meeting

      Meeting ID: 556-675-981

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