HIE Components

HIE Components

The Central Health Information Exchange (HIE) has the following components

  1. Terminology Registry: A system that serves to uniquely identify and manage terminology set (mapped to International Standards) that refer to clinical activities/references during care delivery. for example: ICD10, LOINC, CPT etc.
  2. Facility Registry: A system that serves to uniquely identify and manage all health services administered in the country. For example: Hospitals, Community Health Clinic, and Laboratories etc.
  3. Provider Registry: A system that is used for maintaining unique identities of health providers in the country. For example: Doctors, Community Health Workers etc.
  4. Geo location Registry: A system that will contain all addressable locations consisting of geolocations, postal address hierarchy. Like other registries, this will act as the reference point for addresses, locations.
  5. Master Client Index (Client Registry): A system that will manage unique identity of citizens receiving health services. MCI will also generate unique health id for all the patients registered with it.
  6. Shared Health Record: A repository containing person-centric records for patients. SHR houses subset of data from various EMRs from different care delivery organisations. This record is shared between different institutions and systems.
  7. Patient Journal: A system for a patient to view their own electronic medical records. The patient should have appropriate credential to login and view information.

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