Location Registry
Location Registry
The purpose of location registry is to uniquely identify geographical locations in a country - often in terms of administrative setup. This allows to identify patients location and care services location uniquely.
Get Locations
Request :
GET https://{lr_service}/locations/list/{level}?updatedSince={ISO8601 formatted date}&limit={limit}&offset={offset}
Headers :
X-Auth-Token : {auth token assigned while user registration in HRM}
client_id : {client id of requester in Identity Service Provider}
The level field can contain one of the following :
Get Single Location Information
Request :
GET http://hrmtest.dghs.gov.bd/api/1.0/locations/{geoCode}.json
Headers :
X-Auth-Token : {auth token assigned while user registration in HRM}
client_id : {client id of requester in Identity Service Provider}
For Bangladesh, the geographical codes for locations are unique for a specific hierarchy.
The code sequence
Division code | Zilla code | Upazilla/ Thana code | Union/ Ward code | Mauza/ Mahalla code | Village code | RMO code | Name |
XX | XX | XX | XX | XXX | XX | X | XXXXXX |
Bangladesh Geo Code, BBS
- format - http://www.bbs.gov.bd/PageWebMenuContent.aspx?MenuKey=150
- Geo code list - an excel version of it is attached below
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