Local concepts vs TR Concepts

Local concepts vs TR Concepts

Concepts that we define can be of 2 kinds “local” concepts or “TR” concepts. Local concepts are those that are defined in a hospital openMRS and are specific to usage within this hospital. On the other hand TR concepts are ones that are defined centrally in TR and will be used throughout the HIE ecosystem. If we define concepts from TR then version is preceded by “TS-”. Please note that once a concept is defined in TR it is available for used throughout the HIE ecosystem.

(If new concept needs to be proposed then please follow note on adding new concepts in TR)

Local drugs vs TR drugs

Just like concepts the same applies to drugs. There will be local drugs as well as TR defined drugs. Local drugs are the drugs that are pertinent to the local hospital/facility. While the drugs that are defined from central Terminology Registry are TR drugs.

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