MCI Search API

MCI Search API

Business rules for MCI search (API side)   

Rules - 

A search request can be run using ONLY the following search parameters or combination of search parameters.

  • ID
  • Combination of Multiple IDs 
  • One or more ID + One or more patient detail.
  • Name + Address
  • Name + Phone number
  • Address + Phone number
  • Address + Name
  • Phone number
  • Household code

Note -

  • IDs - Include - NID/UID/BRN/HID
  • Patient details - Name, Address, Phone number
  1. Name -
    1. Given Name
    2. Given Name + Last Name
  2. Address - Minimum - Division + District + Upazilla
  3. Phone number - Minimum 'number' field
  • For a search request, if the number of results are less than or equal to N, then all the results are returned.
  • For a search request, if the number of results are more than N, then only the first N results is returned along with a message stating, "please narrow down your search".
  • The number 'N' is configurable.

Accepted Search Parameter -

Search ParameterURLDescription


Search can be done with the help of HID.



Search can be done using both single and multiple IDs.

NID must be 13/17 characters; BRN must be 17 characters; UID must be 11 characters.


ID can be individually used for searching a patient. In addition, ID can be combined with Present Address to search a patient.

Present Address


Address must be minimum 6 geocode which indicates address from Division to Upazilla level.


Address can be 8 geocode which indicates address up to city corporation level.


Address can be maximum 10 geocode which is up to ward/union level.

Name & Address

/api/v1/patients?given_name=Alif khan&present_address=557364

Both Given name and Surname must be combined with Present Address.

Both Given Name and Surname must be the exact word (case insensitive) to search a patient.


Phone number & Address

/api/v1/patients?phone_no=9678909&country_code=008&area_code=02&extension= 0984&present_address=100409

Phone number must be combined with Present Address.

Phone no. must be the minimum requirement to search a patient by Phone Number.­­ In addition, search can be done using Country Code, Area Code and Extension with Phone No.


Household code/api/v1/patients?household_code=132452213123Household code must be only number and there is no length restriction as of now

Sample Request & Response -

Success response:

  • Search by ID

    a. Single ID-

    Request : request when result is less than or equal to N)


        "http_status": 200,

        "results": [   


                "hid": "5927205714962415617",

                "nid": "19905678901234567",

                "uid": "02701230123",

                "bin_brn": "76543210123456789",

                "name_bangla": "রাফান জামান আয়মান",

                "given_name": "Alif Zaman",

                "sur_name": "Aymaan",

                "date_of_birth": "1990-02-28",

                "gender": "M",

                "occupation": "02",

                "edu_level": "15",

                "relations": [


                        "id": "ea252a51-4015-4412-9706-bb526c1df559",

                        "type": "FTH",

                        "hid": "5911276753547952129",

                        "nid": "1951557890163",

                        "uid": "09811217611",

                        "bin_brn": "76545678901633456",

                        "name_bangla": "মোঃ সাকিব আলী খান",

                        "given_name": "Md. Sakib Ali",

                        "sur_name": "Khan"



                        "id": "65fcfbd7-0ffb-4a53-bc35-b1e7f07f781b",

                        "type": "SPS",

                        "hid": "5911276753547952129",

                        "nid": "1990567890163",

                        "uid": "38761111111",

                        "bin_brn": "52345678901633456",

                        "name_bangla": "মেহজাবীন খান",

                        "given_name": "Mehzabin",

                        "sur_name": "Khan",

                        "marriage_id": "12345678",

                        "relational_status": "3"



                "place_of_birth": "Narayanganj",

                "religion": "1",

                "blood_group": "5",

                "nationality": "bangladeshi",

                "disability": "0",

                "ethnicity": "11",

                "present_address": {

                    "address_line": "xyz",

                    "division_id": "55",

                    "district_id": "73",

                    "upazilla_id": "64",

                    "holding_number": "Level 2,Taj Garden,House no.4/k",

                    "street": "Plot 51,Satmasjid Road",

                    "area_mouja": "Dhanmondi",

                    "village": "Lalmatia",

                    "post_office": "Mohammadpur",

                    "post_code": "1207",

                    "city_corporation_id": "50",

                    "country_code": "050"


                "primary_contact": "Farzana Zebin",

                "phone_number": {

                    "country_code": "008",

                    "area_code": "02",

                    "number": "12",

                    "extension": "0984"


                "primary_contact_number": {

                    "country_code": "008",

                    "number": "123456789012"


                "permanent_address": {

                    "address_line": "xyz",

                    "division_id": "10",

                    "district_id": "04",

                    "upazilla_id": "09",

                    "union_id": "06",

                    "holding_number": "2/KA Palace House",

                    "street": "Road no.27",

                    "area_mouja": "Dhanmondi",

                    "village": "Lalmatia",

                    "post_office": "Mohammadpur",

                    "post_code": "1225",

                    "city_corporation_id": "20",

                    "country_code": "050"


                "marital_status": "2",

                "is_alive": "1",

                "created": "2014-10-28T07:29:00",

                "modified": "2014-10-28T07:29:00"




    b. Multiple IDs-

    Request :

  • Search by Phone number & Address

    a. Only number of phone number

    Request : (Search request when result is zero)


    "http_status": 200,

     "results": []

    b. Multiple fields of phone number

    Search by Name & Address

    a. Name and Address

    Request : khan&present_address=55736450 (Search request when result is more than N)



        "http_status": 200,

        "results": [


                "hid": "5927208601419513857",

                "nid": "19905678901234567",

                "name_bangla": "রাফান জামান আয়মান",

                "given_name": "Alif khan",

                "sur_name": "Aymaan",

                "date_of_birth": "1990-02-28",

                "gender": "M",

                "occupation": "02",

                "edu_level": "15",

                "relations": [


                        "id": "c2d112f5-4c67-49b4-8a7c-98b20e98f95f",

                        "type": "MTH",

                        "hid": "5911276753547952129",

                        "nid": "1960567890163",

                        "uid": "03689119011",

                        "bin_brn": "92345678901633456",

                        "name_bangla": "শবনম চৌধুরী",

                        "given_name": "Shabnam",

                        "sur_name": "Chowdhury"



                        "id": "0171348c-4fd8-49fe-bd9a-d38494bde3c4",

                        "type": "SPS",

                        "hid": "5911276753547952129",

                        "nid": "1990567890163",

                        "uid": "38761111111",

                        "bin_brn": "52345678901633456",

                        "name_bangla": "মেহজাবীন খান",

                        "given_name": "Mehzabin",

                        "sur_name": "Khan",

                        "marriage_id": "12345678",

                        "relational_status": "3"



                "place_of_birth": "Narayanganj",

                "religion": "1",

                "blood_group": "5",

                "nationality": "bangladeshi",

                "disability": "0",

                "ethnicity": "11",

                "present_address": {

                    "address_line": "xyz",

                    "division_id": "55",

                    "district_id": "73",

                    "upazilla_id": "64",

                    "holding_number": "Level 2,Taj Garden,House no.4/k",

                    "street": "Plot 51,Satmasjid Road",

                    "area_mouja": "Dhanmondi",

                    "village": "Lalmatia",

                    "post_office": "Mohammadpur",

                    "post_code": "1207",

                    "city_corporation_id": "50",

                    "country_code": "050"


                "primary_contact": "Farzana Zebin",

                "phone_number": {

                    "country_code": "008",

                    "area_code": "02",

                    "number": "12",

                    "extension": "0984"


                "primary_contact_number": {

                    "country_code": "008",

                    "number": "123456789012"


                "permanent_address": {

                    "address_line": "xyz",

                    "division_id": "10",

                    "district_id": "04",

                    "upazilla_id": "09",

                    "union_id": "06",

                    "holding_number": "2/KA Palace House",

                    "street": "Road no.27",

                    "area_mouja": "Dhanmondi",

                    "village": "Lalmatia",

                    "post_office": "Mohammadpur",

                    "post_code": "1225",

                    "city_corporation_id": "20",

                    "country_code": "050"


                "marital_status": "2",

                "is_alive": "1",

                "created": "2014-10-28T07:40:28",

                "modified": "2014-10-28T07:40:28"



                "hid": "5927205714962415617",

                "nid": "19905678901234567",

                "name_bangla": "রাফান জামান আয়মান",

                "given_name": "Alif Zaman",

                "sur_name": "Aymaan",

                "date_of_birth": "1990-02-28",

                "gender": "M",

                "occupation": "02",

                "edu_level": "15",

                "relations": [


                        "id": "ea252a51-4015-4412-9706-bb526c1df559",

                        "type": "FTH",

                        "hid": "5911276753547952129",

                        "nid": "1951557890163",

                        "uid": "09811217611",

                        "bin_brn": "76545678901633456",

                        "name_bangla": "মোঃ সাকিব আলী খান",

                        "given_name": "Md. Sakib Ali",

                        "sur_name": "Khan"



                "place_of_birth": "Narayanganj",

                "religion": "1",

                "blood_group": "5",

                "nationality": "bangladeshi",

                "disability": "0",

                "ethnicity": "11",

                "present_address": {

                    "address_line": "xyz",

                    "division_id": "55",

                    "district_id": "73",

                    "upazilla_id": "64",

                    "holding_number": "Level 2,Taj Garden,House no.4/k",

                    "street": "Plot 51,Satmasjid Road",

                    "area_mouja": "Dhanmondi",

                    "village": "Lalmatia",

                    "post_office": "Mohammadpur",

                    "post_code": "1207",

                    "city_corporation_id": "50",

                    "country_code": "050"


                "primary_contact": "Farzana Zebin",

                "phone_number": {

                    "country_code": "008",

                    "area_code": "02",

                    "number": "12",

                    "extension": "0984"


                "primary_contact_number": {

                    "country_code": "008",

                    "number": "123456789012"


                "permanent_address": {

                    "address_line": "xyz",

                    "division_id": "10",

                    "district_id": "04",

                    "upazilla_id": "09",

                    "union_id": "06",

                    "holding_number": "2/KA Palace House",

                    "street": "Road no.27",

                    "area_mouja": "Dhanmondi",

                    "village": "Lalmatia",

                    "post_office": "Mohammadpur",

                    "post_code": "1225",

                    "city_corporation_id": "20",

                    "country_code": "050"


                "marital_status": "2",

                "is_alive": "1",

                "created": "2014-10-28T07:29:00",

                "modified": "2014-10-28T07:29:00"






     "additional_info": {

            "note": "There are more record for this search criteria. Please narrow down your search"




    Only Name

    Request : khan (Invalid Search request)



        "error_code": 1000,

        "http_status": 400,

        "message": "validation error",

        "errors": [


                "code": 1006,

                "message": "Invalid search parameter"




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