Installing Terminology Registry Server
Installing Terminology Registry Server
Here are the steps to install the TR-Server.
- Make sure a vagrant box is running with the same IP given in inventories/local for tr-server i.e.
- Go to Freeshr-Playbooks folder. Start and ssh into provisioner box from.
Download/Build the TR rpm and required omods
- Put the tr-server RPM into
folder. Under development version can be built locally or can be downloaded from CI-Server. Released versions are published to github-releases. - Download the OpenMRS Atomfeed-omod and put it into
folder.wget https://oss.sonatype.org/content/repositories/snapshots/org/ict4h/openmrs/openmrs-atomfeed-omod/2.5.5-SNAPSHOT/openmrs-atomfeed-omod-2.5.5-20161107.094541-4.jar -O /tmp/openmrs-atomfeed-2.5.5-SNAPSHOT.omod
- Download the Web Services rest omod and put it into
folder.wget https://modules.openmrs.org/modulus/api/releases/1547/download/webservices.rest-2.17.omod -O /tmp/webservices.rest-2.17.omod
- Download the openmrs legacyui omod and put it into
folder. This is applicable from TR-2.7 onwards.wget https://modules.openmrs.org/modulus/api/releases/1594/download/legacyui-1.3.1.omod -O /tmp/legacyui-1.3.1.omod
Setup Ansible Variables and start provision:-
cd /vagrant/ cp group_vars/all_example group_vars/all #make sure this is not commited touch ~/.vaultpass.txt ansible-playbook tr.yml --tags tr-server -i inventories/local --extra-vars="rpm=/tmp/bdshr-terminology-server-2.7-1.noarch.rpm" --extra-vars="atomfeedomod=/tmp/openmrs-atomfeed-2.5.5-SNAPSHOT.omod" --extra-vars="restomod=/tmp/webservices.rest-2.17.omod" --extra-vars="uiomod=/tmp/legacyui-1.3.1.omod" -k -vvvv
TR-Server Initial setup.
- Go to your browser and access This will take you to initial setup screen of openmrs.
Choose English as as the preferred language.
- Choose
as the installation type. Installation wizard: step 1
- choose "yes" for "Do you currently have an OpenMRS database installed .... ?" enter database name "terminologies".
- Installation wizard: step 2
- choose "yes" for "Do you need OpenMRS to automatically create the tables ... ?"
- choose "no" for "Do you want to also add demo data to your database.... ?"
- choose "Yes" for "Do you currently have a database user other than root .... ?". By default, a username "terminologies" would be already filled in for the username.
- Installation wizard: step 3
- Do you want to be able to upload modules from the web interface? - NO
- Do you want updates to the database to be automatically applied on startup when a new web application is deployed? - YES
- Do you want to be able to upload modules from the web interface? - NO
- Installation wizard: step 4
- choose a password for "admin" user. note this down.
- Installation wizard: skip step 5, optionally fill in details
- Review installation instructions and proceed. The wizard should "create openmrs tables", "Add OpenMRS core data" and "Update the database" before redirecting you to the login page.
The TR-Server will be up and running after this. It will be generate feeds for newly created concepts/reference-terms/medicines once you have deployed TR-Feed omod.
Installing TR-Feed Omod:-
Put the TR-Feed omod into
folder. Under development version can be built locally or can be downloaded from CI-Server. Released versions are published to github-releases.cd /vagrant/ ansible-playbook tr.yml -t tr-feed-server -i inventories/local --extra-vars="trfeedomod=/tmp/freeshr-terminology-feed-2.7-SNAPSHOT.omod" -k -vvvv
This will put the omod and restart the service. Verify that
FreeSHR terminology service feed module
is present and running in openmrs=>admin=>manage modules.