Health ID Management

Health ID Management


The default MCI health ID generator is defined as par Bangladesh requirements of

  • Check-sum formula is done par Luhn algorithm. Note, the first digit (9) should not be within the checksum digit.
  • Health ID is 11 digits and must always start with 9
  • Next 9 digit is a random number without leading 0
  • There will be no repeating number for more than 3 consecutive digits (1111, 2222 not allowed. only allowed is 111)
  • There will be no number with 3 consecutive digits of two sets in one number. (111 222 345 not allowed, 111 345 222 not allowed, 111 234567 allowed or 123 222 454 is allowed)


Health IDs (usually in ranges), maybe pre-allocated/reserved for systems/organizations.

  1. MCI -  Health IDs are in 98 & 99 series. These are reserved for on-demand patient creation scenarios.
  2. Other organizations - may have ranges allocated. This is not done adhoc, and follows a formal procedure. For example, it requires approval from relevant authorities and the task itself must be done only by admins post approval.

