Create Patient API
Panel border true borderStyle dashed Request :
POST https://{mci_service}/api/v1/patients
Headers :
X-Auth-Token : {auth token returned from Identity Service Provider}
client_id : {client id of requester in Identity Service Provider}
From : {email_id of requester registered in Identity Service Provider}
Content-Type : application/json
Body (example with mandatory fields) :
Code Block language js { "given_name": "Sara", "sur_name": "M", "date_of_birth": "1970-11-06", "gender": "F", "present_address": { "address_line": "37, Good Street,", "division_id": "30", "district_id": "33", "upazila_id": "34" } }
Response Codes :
201 - Created
400 - Bad Request (incorrect data)
401 - Unauthorized (check X-Auth-Token, From and client_id in headers)
403 - Access Denied (check roles in identity provider service)
Response :
Code Block language js { "http_status": 201, "id": "98001038192" }
The id field contains the health id of the patient.
Create Patient API can be called with or without "hid" field.
- Creating a patient without the "hid" field will automatically create a Health ID for the patient. The response returns the created Health ID.
- Creating a patient with the "hid" field. (The organization for which a Health ID was assigned, will only be able to create a patient using that Health ID)
If the organization to whom the Health ID was assigned and the organization trying to create the patient is different the create patient will fail.
In addition to the above example payload it should have field hid as well. ("hid" = "9xxxxxxxxxx")
Expand title Example with hid field Code Block language js { "given_name": "Sara", "sur_name": "M", "date_of_birth": "1970-11-06", "gender": "F", "present_address": { "address_line": "37, Good Street,", "division_id": "30", "district_id": "33", "upazila_id": "34" }, "hid": "91001038152" }
Expand title Example with all fields Code Block language js { "nid": "19901678901234567", "uid": "02781230123", "bin_brn": "76543210123456780", "household_code":"233", "name_bangla": "সুজানা জাফর খান", "given_name": "Suzana Zafar", "sur_name": "Khan", "date_of_birth": "1990-02-28", "dob_type": "1", "gender": "F", "occupation": "02", "edu_level": "15", "religion": "1", "blood_group": "5", "disability": "0", "ethnicity": "11", "place_of_birth": "Narayanganj", "nationality": "bangladeshi", "marital_status": "2", "phone_number": { "country_code": "88", "area_code": null, "number": "01678904560", "extension": null }, "primary_contact": "Farzana Zebin", "primary_contact_number": { "country_code": null, "area_code": "02", "number": "9887766", "extension": "0987" }, "relations": [ { "type": "FTH", "name_bangla": "মোঃ সাকিব আলী খান", "given_name": "Md. Sakib Ali", "sur_name": "Khan", "nid": "1951557890163", "uid": "09811217611", "bin_brn": "76545678901633456", "hid": "58767890987" }, { "type": "MTH", "name_bangla": "শবনম চৌধুরী", "given_name": "Shabnam", "sur_name": "Chowdhury", "nid": "1960567890163", "uid": "03689119011", "bin_brn": "92345678901633456", "hid": "56456789098" }, { "type": "SPS", "name_bangla": "আজাদ খান", "given_name": "Azad", "sur_name": "Khan", "nid": "1990567890163", "uid": "38761111111", "bin_brn": "52345678901633456", "hid": "56789098765", "marriage_id": "12345678", "relational_status": "3" } ], "present_address": { "address_line": "Dhaka", "division_id": "10", "district_id": "04", "upazila_id": "09", "city_corporation_id": "99", "union_or_urban_ward_id": "13", "rural_ward_id": null, "area_mouja": "Dhanmondi", "village": "Lalmatia", "holding_number": "House # 7/9 (3rd floor), Block B, Lalmatia", "street": "Plot 51,Satmasjid Road", "post_office": "Mohammadpur", "post_code": "1209", "country_code": "050" }, "permanent_address": { "address_line": "Barishal", "division_id": "10", "district_id": "04", "upazila_id": "09", "city_corporation_id": "20", "union_or_urban_ward_id": "04", "rural_ward_id": null, "area_mouja": "Barguna", "village": "Amtali", "holding_number": "2/KA Palace House", "street": "Road no.27", "post_office": "Amtali", "post_code": "1225", "country_code": "050" }, "status": { "type": "2", "date_of_death": "1990-02-28" }, "hid_card_status" : "REGISTERED", "confidential": "No" }
Update Patient API :
Panel border true borderStyle dashed Request :
PUT https://{mci_service}/api/v1/patients/{health_id}
Headers :
X-Auth-Token : {auth token returned from Identity Service Provider}
client_id : {client id of requester in Identity Service Provider}
From : {email_id of requester registered in Identity Service Provider}
Content-Type : application/json
Body should contain fields which are to be modified (May or may not include other feilds).
Example :
Code Block language js { "given_name": "Sohel", "sur_name": "Masud" }
Code Block language js { "http_status": 202, "id": "98001023053" }
Response Codes :
202 - Updated
400 - Bad Request (incorrect data)
401 - Unauthorized (check X-Auth-Token, From and client_id in headers)
403 - Access Denied (check roles in identity provider service)
Get Patient API :Anchor MCI GET Patient MCI GET Patient Panel border true borderStyle dashed Request :
GET https://{mci_service}/api/v1/patients/{health_id}
Headers :
X-Auth-Token : {auth token returned from Identity Service Provider}
client_id : {client id of requester in Identity Service Provider}
From : {email_id of requester registered in Identity Service Provider}
Response Codes :
200 - ok
401 - Unauthorized (check X-Auth-Token, From and client_id in headers)
403 - Access Denied (check roles in identity provider service)
Expand title Example Response Code Block language js { "hid": "98001023053", "given_name": "Sara", "sur_name": "M", "date_of_birth": "1970-11-06T00:00:00.000+05:30", "dob_type": "1", "gender": "F", "present_address": { "address_line": "37, Good Street,", "division_id": "30", "district_id": "33", "upazila_id": "34", "country_code": "050" }, "confidential": "No", "created_by": { "facility": null, "provider": { "id": "113112", "name": null }, "admin": null }, "updated_by": { "facility": null, "provider": { "id": "113112", "name": null }, "admin": null }, "status": { "type": "1" }, "active": true, "hid_card_status": "REGISTERED", "provider": null, "created": "2017-03-31T14:45:37.095+05:30", "modified": "2017-03-31T14:45:37.095+05:30" }