Get Facilities
Panel border true borderStyle dashed Request :
GET {fr_server}/facilities/list?limit={limit}&offset={offset}&updatedSince={ISO8601 formatted date}
Headers :
X-Auth-Token : {auth token assigned while user registration in HRM}
client_id : {client id of requester in Identity Service Provider}
Sample Response :
Code Block language js title Sample Response collapse true [ { "name": "Example Hospital", "url": "", "id": "10002", "active": 1, "createdAt": "", "updatedAt": "2016-03-28 23:23:27", "coordinates": [ "90.399004", "23.780868" ], "identifiers": { "agency": "Example Agency", "context": "Context", "id": 2 }, "properties": { "ownership": "Fully Government-owned", "org_type": "Example Org", "org_level": "National", "care_level": "", "deleted_at": null, "services": [], "locations": { "division_code": "30", "district_code": "26", "upazila_code": "07", "paurasava_code": "", "union_code": "", "ward_code": "" }, "contacts": { "name": "", "email": "some_email@somemail.com", "phone": "99956", "mobile": "", "fax": "9886" }, "catchment": [ "302607" ], "photo": "" } } ]
catchment - the area this facility will cover as its catchment zone. the value should be an array of valid geocodes - the granularity level can vary based on the facility. for example, for a facility residing in a ward within a district, it can simply denote the district's geo code (0101). in the same way, if a facility is in a upazilla, it can denote the upazilla's geo code (010105).
Get Single Facility InformationAnchor FR GET API FR GET API Panel border true borderStyle dashed Request :
GET {fr_server}/facilities/{facility_code}.json
Headers :
X-Auth-Token : {auth token assigned while user registration in HRM}
client_id : {client id of requester in Identity Service Provider}
Sample Response :
Code Block language js title Sample Response collapse true { "name": "Example Hospital", "url": "", "id": "10002", "active": 1, "createdAt": "", "updatedAt": "2016-03-28 23:23:27", "coordinates": [ "90.399004", "23.780868" ], "identifiers": { "agency": "Example Agency", "context": "Context", "id": 2 }, "properties": { "ownership": "Fully Government-owned", "org_type": "Example Org", "org_level": "National", "care_level": "", "deleted_at": null, "services": [], "locations": { "division_code": "30", "district_code": "26", "upazila_code": "07", "paurasava_code": "", "union_code": "", "ward_code": "" }, "contacts": { "name": "", "email": "some_email@somemail.com", "phone": "99956", "mobile": "", "fax": "9886" }, "catchment": [ "302607" ], "photo": "" } }
catchment - the area this facility will cover as its catchment zone. the value should be an array of valid geocodes - the granularity level can vary based on the facility. for example, for a facility residing in a ward within a district, it can simply denote the district's geo code (0101). in the same way, if a facility is in a upazilla, it can denote the upazilla's geo code (010105).