The applicable catchment definition for an establishment is done through the "Facility Registry" (DGHS HRM system).
For example:
- Location of Dohar Upazila of Dhaka district is defined as
Info |
title | /locations/302618.json |
{ "code": "18", "id": "302618", "name": "Dohar", "type": "upazila", "active": "1", "hierarchy": [ { "code": "30", "name": "Dhaka", "type": "division" }, { "code": "26", "name": "Dhaka", "type": "district" }, { "code": "18", "name": "Dohar", "type": "upazila" } ] } |
The "id" attribute (above) defines the "catchment id" for the catchment encounters API.
- Facility may be defined as
Info |
title | /facilities/10000069.json |
{ "name": "Dohar Upazila Health Complex", "url": "", "id": "10000069", "active": "1", "createdAt": "", "updatedAt": "2014-08-03 10:54:51", "coordinates": [ "90.1401381000001", "23.5846912" ], "identifiers": { "agency": "DGHS", "context": "HRM", "id": "65" }, "properties": { "ownership": "Fully Government-owned", "org_type": "Upazila Health Complex", "org_level": "Upazila", "care_level": "", "services": [], "locations": { "division_code": "30", "district_code": "26", "upazila_code": "18", "paurasava_code": "", "union_code": "", "ward_code": "" }, "contacts": { "name": "", "email": "dohar@uhfpo.dghs.gov.bd", "phone": "27768188", "mobile": "1711706371", "fax": "nil\r" }, "catchment": [ "302618" ] } } |