Following are the contract level changes that we have fixed for our bundles to be parseable.
new mandatory fields added:
- type,
- author,
- confidentiality => - code system
subject => patient
(Fields removed )
RelatedItem is replaced by dueTo and occurredFollowing.
Changes in active development branch
Observation [breaking]
- name ==> code.
Immunization [breaking]
- refusalIndicator ==> wasNotGiven
- refusalReason ==> getReasonNotGiven
- subject ==> patient
MedicationPrescription [not breaking]
- dosageInstruction can now take both dosageQuantity and dosageRange
[dosageInstruction.dose field can capture two types dosageQuantity,dosageRange]
To look into later:
Confidentiality set to String - A code from the confidentiality vs
DrugMapper - MedicationPrescription:
Mapping frequency component along with duration and period (Revisit mapping logic from bahmni treatment to fhir MedicationPrescription. esp duration and frequency)- Needs more analysis and test cases. Just fixed compilation issues.
DosageInstruction needs more analysis.
Procedure Outcome is a codeableconcept from a valueset rather than plain text.We can improve the ui to pick up outcome status from a fixed set.