Following are the contract level changes that we have fixed for our bundles to be parseable.

Changes in current release version

Entry level changes:
  1.     Entry level updated,author tags are moved to bundle level meta data. Entry doesnot have an id.Every resource is now mandated to have an id. 
  2.     Currently we are populating the resource id to the entry id.


     new mandatory fields added:
  1. type,
  2. author,
  3. confidentiality => - code system

     subject => patient
     (Fields removed )

     RelatedItem is replaced by dueTo and occurredFollowing.

Changes in active development branch

Observation [breaking]
  1. name ==> code.


Immunization [breaking]
  1. refusalIndicator ==> wasNotGiven
  2. refusalReason ==> getReasonNotGiven
  3. subject ==> patient


MedicationPrescription [not breaking]
  1. dosageInstruction  can now take both dosageQuantity and dosageRange
          [dosageInstruction.dose field can capture two types           dosageQuantity,dosageRange]
To look into later:
Confidentiality set to String - A code from the confidentiality vs
Composition type - Currently its either Discharge or Consultation. Should we fine grain to different types? 

DrugMapper - MedicationPrescription:

Mapping frequency component along with duration and period (Revisit mapping logic from bahmni treatment to fhir MedicationPrescription. esp duration and frequency)- Needs more analysis and test cases. Just fixed compilation issues.

DosageInstruction needs more analysis. 


Procedure Outcome is a codeableconcept from a valueset rather than plain text.We can improve the ui to pick up outcome status from a fixed set.