Create a new Order Type. (There is no way to do it from UI, need to be done directly in DataBase using this SQL.)
Code Block language sql title Create New Openmrs Order Type INSERT INTO `openmrs`.`order_type` (`name`, `description`, `creator`, `date_created`, `retired`, `uuid`, `java_class_name`) VALUES (<Name of Order Type>, <Order type Description>, '1', now(), '0', uuid(), 'org.openmrs.Order');
Create a mapping between created Order Type and the concept_class of Order Type.
Code Block language sql title Create New Openmrs Order Type INSERT INTO `openmrs`.`order_type_class_map` (`order_type_id`, `concept_class_id`) VALUES (<New Order Type ID>, <Concept Class ID of Concept Class>);
- To show this orders of this type of orders inBahmni Orders tab you need to do the following
- Create a new Concept as class ConvSet and datatype NA. Add it to All Orderable. This will appear as a separate type of order.
- Create new concepts(class ConvSet, datatype NA) and add it to above concept as set member to classify orders in different groups like blood, stool etc.
- Add Orders as set members to concepts created above according to their class.
- To show these orders to orders app
- Create a concept(class ConvSet, datatype NA) called <Name of Order Type> + ' Fulfillment Form'. E.g. :- Procedure Order Fulfillment Form.
- Add the templated to be fulfilled as a member of above concept.
In bahmni_apps/orders/extention.json add a config like below. It's an example for Procedure Orders.
Code Block language js title Config to show the order fulfilment in orders tab "bahmni_clinical_patients_search_ProcedureOrder": { "id": "", "extensionPointId": "", "type": "config", "extensionParams": { "searchHandler": "", "translationKey": "Procedures", "forwardUrl": "../orders/#/patient/{{patientUuid}}/fulfillment/Procedure Order", "forwardButtonTitle": "View", "view": "tabular" }, "label": "Procedure Order", "order": 1, "requiredPrivilege": "app:orders" }
Add a global property in OpenmrsAdvance Setting same as the value of SearchHandler key in above config. In above case it will be with value below.
Code Block language sql title Create New Openmrs Order Type SELECT DISTINCT Concat(pn.given_name,' ', pn.family_name) AS name, pi.identifier, Concat("",p.uuid) AS uuid, Date_format(o.date_activated,'%b %d %Y %h:%i %p') AS 'Order Placed on' FROM orders o JOIN person_name pn ON o.patient_id = pn.person_id JOIN patient_identifier pi ON o.patient_id = pi.patient_id AND pi.identifier_type = (select patient_identifier_type_id from patient_identifier_type where name = 'Patient Identifier') JOIN person p ON o.patient_id = p.person_id LEFT OUTER JOIN obs ob ON o.order_id = ob.order_id JOIN concept c ON o.concept_id = c.concept_id JOIN concept_name cn ON c.concept_id = cn.concept_id AND cn.concept_name_type='FULLY_SPECIFIED' INNER JOIN order_type ot ON ot.order_type_id = o.order_type_id INNER JOIN encounter enc on o.encounter_id = enc.encounter_id AND enc.location_id in (select l.location_id from location l where l.location_id = <location_id of hospital> or l.parent_location = <location_id of hospital>) AND ot.NAME = <Name of Order Type> group by pi.identifier;
The above SQL is used to fetch orders to be fulfilled on order fulfillment page.
To be able to upload these orders to SHR we should add a mapping for openmrs order type to FHIR Diagnostic Order Category.
goto Openmrs → Administration → Maintanence → Settings → SHR. Add a new mapping for property in bellow formatCode Block language js title Mapping between order type to FHIR Diagnostic Category [ {"type":"Radiology Order","code":"RAD","display":"Radiology"}, {"type":"Custom Order","code":"CUST","display":"Custom"} ]